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Image by Jan Tinneberg

The Transformational Breath®

Private Sessions • Group Classes • Seminars

Personal Customized Retreats


About this Work


The Transformational Breath® is a dynamically powerful technique of consciously directed breathing that works on the Physical, Mental/Emotional, and Spiritual levels. This modality helps with self-empowerment, healing, anxiety, depression and stress. It helps to increase energy, and brings greater joy and balance to life and relationships.

Transformational Breathing is an easy-to-learn method that was developed by Dr, Judith Kravitz. It has gained international acceptance as a powerful alternative healing technique for the body, mind and spirit.

A Transformational breath session takes place with a trained facilitator who serves as a coach and a guide. Although therapists are some of the people using it, Transformational Breathing is not therapy. Instead, it is an advanced technique which takes us beyond mind and into the transpersonal realm. Because the technique works so deeply, you may accomplish in one session what ordinarily could take years in cognitive therapy.



The breath helps relieve stress and tension, detoxifies and greatly increases energy. May help with any dis-ease the body may be challenged with.


The Breath integrates repressed patterns, freeing one to experience new levels of love and joy. Transformational Breathing has been known to help with anxiety, depression and addictions.


Limiting beliefs are dissolved, peace is achieved and creativity is expanded. One walks away much more empowered.


The Breath opens one to mystical experiences of great beauty bringing insight and greater clarity by providing access to higher consciousness states.

Private Breath Sessions

Would you like to relieve anxiety and stress? Heal grief, depression, PTSD, and trauma? Have more energy? Bring about healing in your body and mind? Create more abundance, happiness, and joy? Awaken your creativity? Get clear on how to move forward in your life? Increase confidence and feel more secure? Would you like to enhance your Spiritual practice and be excited about getting up every day and moving forward in your life?

Sessions are 1 to 1.5 hours and are available in-person in Kathy's area or virtually from anywhere in the world.

"One Session is equivalent to about

2 years of psychotherapy."


-Dr. Henry Smith Rohrberg

Image by Mohamed Nohassi

"Transformational Breath is a dramatically effective method of integrating wounded aspects of self into one functioning whole.


Nothing needs to be released. Instead, the focused intention is on the breathing in of the qualities of joy, peace, harmony, and balance.


The "release work" takes place naturally and easily without the need for conscious processing of each accumulated hurt and pain. Old patterns are brought to awareness, restructured through the breath and are consciously transmuted."

-Transformational Breath Foundation


The Miracles of Breath

Kathy Smith, Transformational Breath Facilitator

Kathy Smith has over 20 years of experience in the holistic health field and working with the Breath. Kathy is currently a trainer with the Transformational Breath Foundation. She finds the Transformational Breath to be the most powerful modality available to bring about any change in our life, whether health, finances, happiness, peace or transformation.


She is also trained as a Naturopathic Doctor, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Neuromuscular Therapist, Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Master, EMF Practitioner, Weight Loss Coach and Life Coach. (Click to read more about these modalities.)

Kathy utilizes various modalities as required with a client during sessions.

Kathy's book, "Breathing Miracles" tells the story of 14 clients and how they created their own Breath Miracles.

Contact Kathy directly by phone at 609-204-4420.

Transformational Breath® Offerings

Image by Valentina Yoga

Group Classes

Live classes are held twice-a-month in Kathy's area.

Transformational Breathing classes are 2 hours long.

Upcoming Classes

Egg Harbor Township, NJ

Seminars & Trainings


Come join us for this very special hybrid event, where we will be leading small groups in person, along with a live online experience with Dr. Judith Kravitz. This powerful, life-changing seminar will include; Daily Breathing Sessions, Sound Healing, Fountain of Youth Postures, Personal Breathing Analysis, and much more...

February 20-25, 2025

Egg Harbor Township, NJ

Image by Max van den Oetelaar

Individual Appointments and Online Sessions

In-person sessions are available in Kathy's area or online from anywhere in the world. Sessions are 1 to 1.5 hours.

Check for Availability

NJ, NY & Worldwide

Appointments Available

In-person or by Zoom

Customized Personal Retreats

Image by Jared Rice

Create your own personal retreat. 24 hours or a weekend (Friday night at 6 PM through Sunday at 1 PM). We can pick and choose from the following offerings: Transformational Breath, Reiki, EMF Energy Session, Neuromuscular Therapy, Therapeutic Massage, Chakra Balancing Massage, Brainspotting, Hypnotherapy, Life Coaching, Nutritional Coaching, Yoga and Meditation.

Check for Availability

Egg Harbor Township, NJ

Custom Schedule

Image by Harli  Marten

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